

  What do you think about love? The first thing that appears in my mind when I think about love is rain, coffee, and an unrealistic romance novel… well nowadays love has a lot to do with Korean dramas I guess. Do you think everyone can love you the same way you love them? The answer is no, they can’t. Trust me when I say this because you don’t want to go through the ‘I’ll believe it when I experience it’ process. It’s pretty hard. Love is never the same and it will never be. May it be the olden day’s Mr. Darcy or the modern day’s Hardin Scott… men are always helpless and women are hopeless. Not everyone is smart like Elizabeth or insanely forgiving like Tessa. But how does this work?                 Well, it all starts  with self-love. Once you start loving yourself, that’s when you tend to feel what others feel for you. When you love yourself, you know exactly what you want and what makes you happy. It makes you stronger and more independent. A lot of love with a little bit of risk is

Too pretty to be real..!!

Sometimes... it's hard to believe that such beauty exists... just like some pretty hearts that's are rare to find..!!

SUNSET- how i see the world

.. "The first creation ever....   with imperfect surface....   still shining.... still bright..  still burning all the darkness with its light...  setting an example to mankind...   saying....  even thought you are imperfect....  you still have your own way of doing things."   -Heleena  God's biggest gift to mankind... the SUN...  we are warm when it is awake... and cold when it sleeps.. My first ever pic... on nature.. the master piece SUN....  beautiful scene .... SUNSET...!!!